Chick Sticks Girls Performance Surfboards

Chick Sticks Girls Performance Surfboards
Where Beauty meets Performance

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Toe Who??? LOL Dont be Scared of Tofu!!

When I first became a Vegetarian I had no idea where to start when it came to preparing Tofu.  Now I know these tasteless white blocks can be the basis for any meatless meal!!  You can buy Tofu in consistencies from spreadable, soft, firm and extra firm.  A package is ussually under two bucks and offers soy protein in the purest form.  Tofu takes on the flavor of the foods or seasonings you prepare it with.  This is going to sound crazy but I just stir fried (you dont even need a Wok a fry pan will do) carrots and Tofu squares in olive oil, then drizzled Honey and Peanut Butter and a little spray of Braggs Amino Acids (faux soy sauce) on it.  Crazy Yes.  But Amazing.  Experiment a little with Tofu, its low in Calories, Fat and Sodium and almost all the Grocery Stores carry it.

Thanks for your Comments Girls!!  XO