Chick Sticks Girls Performance Surfboards

Chick Sticks Girls Performance Surfboards
Where Beauty meets Performance

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Jetty Girl Magazine 21 Questions with Carrissa Moore and LOLA BLAKE ~ Chick Sticks

MOORE. The ASP World Champion answers questions from former world champs, tour veterans, young fans & surfing legends.
Posted by: Chris Grant Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Posted date: February 19, 2012 | Comment

February 19, 2012

Presented by
In Carissa Moore’s first full year on Tour, she accomplished what so many have predicted for her over the years of her young life, an ASP World Title. It’s difficult to imagine the kind of pressure she was under to accomplish the goal. While most surfers are given a number of years to find their footing in the pro ranks, you could almost feel the industry’s expectations that anything short of a world title would be a letdown. But there would be no slip-ups, no letdown, no unfulfilled goals …Carissa charged through the Tour schedule, pushed performance boundaries in a groundbreaking film and did so with Hawaiian grace and style.
After Carissa won her World Title, we planned to interview her as quickly as possible …but so did every other surf media outlet on the planet. By the time our turn came around, all my questions had been asked numerous times. Instead of rehashing what had already been said, we asked a group of former world champions, legends, filmmakers, industry folks, free surf pioneers and local groms to post up some questions for the new World Champ. I don’t think this has ever been done before …so thank you to all who participated. You have my deepest appreciation! –Chris
1. Asked by Heather Hudson, Executive Producer of The Women and the Waves
Heather Hudson: If you could go back to any era in surfing history and surf with anyone, who would you want to surf with and why?
Carissa Moore: I would probably want to go back two years and have a surf session with Andy (Irons) or go back to the early 90′s and surf with Rell (Sunn). Both people are great ambassadors to our sport and role models to me.
2. Asked by Kelly Nicely, Current #13 on the ASP Women’s Longboard World Rankings
Kelly Nicely: How has the tour changed for women in the past few years and how do you think the future of the women’s tour is headed as far as equality with men and women?
Carissa: I think the talent on the women’s tour has come so far the past few years. The girls are definitely pushing the limits of their performance. Unfortunately, the state of our tour is in what seems to be the worst it has ever been. I can only hope that one day we will have the same kind of following that the men have and we will gain more support and events.
3. Asked by Kim Mearig, 1983 ASP Women’s World Champion
Kim Mearig: Since you’ve won the world title so young, are you content or do you want to beat Kelly’s record?
Carissa: Haha, I don’t know if I will ever beat Kelly’s record or even come close but I would love to give the world title a run every year I am on tour.
4. Asked by Serena Brooke, ASP legend & owner of Serena Sportswear
Serena Brooke: What type of diet and training do you do to keep in shape, do you think it is important to your surfing?
Carissa: I think it is so important to eat right and train to perform at your best. You definitely could just surf and be amazing but for the overall package and piece of mind it’s great to be on top of those things as well.
5. Asked by Sara Taylor, freesurfer & video star of Circus Tricks, Illegal Turns, and Hayley Gordon’s Empty Lowers
Sara Taylor: If there was something you could change about the tour what would it be?
Carissa: If there was something that I could change about the tour it would be to have more events at amazing venues!
6. Asked by Cori Schumacher, Writer & 3x Women’s Longboard World Champion
Cori Schumacher: Within the realm of surfing, the sponsorship dynamic is one of the most influential socializing agents for young surfers. How old were you when you were first sponsored and can you remember if how you felt about yourself changed then? If so, how? When you made the shift from being sponsored by endemic surf companies to your current sponsors, did you feel a shift in yourself as well? If so, what did that feel like for you?
Carissa: I was very lucky and got sponsored when I was seven by Roxy. I was very naive and didn’t think much of it, just how cool it was to get a box of clothes every month! Also, when I made the shift from being sponosred by endemic surf companies to my current sponsors I didn’t really make a big deal of it. I think my family did a really good job of keeping things simple on the sponsorship end so I could just enjoy surfing.
Frontside carve at the US Open in Huntington Beach. © Chris Grant/
7. Asked by Kassia Meador, photographer, longboard stylist & current #2 on the ASP Women’s Longboard World Rankings
Kassia Meador: What is your favorite post shred snack?
Carissa: I love a nice green smoothie.
8. Asked by Shea Hodges, Hawaiian freesurfer & star of Shea Hodges: Freedom in Motion
Shea Hodges: It’s apparent that in the last few years the level of women’s surfing has increased dramatically. The widespread use of the internet and social media has helped create more of a “do it yourself” attitude for the aspiring surfer that doesn’t have the means to travel the tour and compete. Do you feel that women (like men) should have the option to be professional free-surfers and not only Tour surfers?
Carissa: Yea, I definitely think that women should have the option to be a professional free surfer.
9. Asked by Hayley Gordon, filmmaker & owner of
Hayley Gordon: What was your greatest or funniest misadventure/disaster on your surf travels?
Carissa: Funniest misadventure was ….
10. Asked by Di Mattison, blogger, surfer & surf instructor extraordinaire
Di Mattison: What do you think about the “marketing image” available to women professional surfers? Why do you think it is that the guys are able to be marketed with a wide range of types – jock; punk; gangsta; artist; hippy; intellectual – and that there’s only one type for women: happy, sporty, beach babe? I do see that Steph plays her guitar and Sally is really into sports, but I don’t see their overall image(s) being far from the mark that the surf industry has set for women (image-wise).
Carissa: I know. I think it’s crazy that guys seem to be way more marketable when women are the ones who are way more into fashion and the way they look. I think all the women on tour have awesome personalities and something unique and special about them and just need to be marketed in the right way.
11. Asked by Lauren Otonicar, owner & creator of Tonic Haircare
Lauren Otonicar: What is your animal amalgamation? (If you could be a combination of 2 animals what would you be and why?)
Carissa: Bird and dolphin so I can fly and swim underwater for long periods of time.
12. Asked by Ashley Beeson, middle school shredder in the Western Surfing Association
Ashley Beeson: Do you have any tips on how to do those “sliding 360’s” frontside and backside? I want to learn how to do them myself.
Carissa: Just keep messing around with it and eventually you’ll figure it out. It is a shift of weight from the front to back to front again. The key to spinning is getting the fins out of the water. To get the movement down, take the back center fin out, that’s what I did in the beginning, shhhh.
13. Asked by Kim Wooldridge, 14-year veteran of the ASP Women’s World Tour
Kim Wooldridge: Which women surfers did you look up to or were inspired by when you first started surfing?
Carissa: Layne Beachley, Rochelle Ballard, Megan Abubo…
14. Asked by Amee Donohoe, ASP Women’s World Tour veteran and contest director of the annual RA Girls Surf Show
Amee Donohoe: Being the most progressive female surfer ever and inspiring generations, how are you keeping yourself inspired to continue to push your level of surfing? I watch your free surfing and your contest surfing and you go big with such flare but are you secretly attempting “sex change varials” now that the judges know what they are?
Carissa: Haha, well thank you, I am so flattered. My dad is definitely the one to thank for pushing my level of surfing. He is the one who helps me think out of the box, challenges and encourages me to go bigger. Also working with guys like Shane Beschen, Myles Padaca and Pancho Sullivan have inspired me so much. Being around their male energy is so new and exciting.
15. Asked by Lola Blake, President & CEO of Chick Sticks by Lola
Lola Blake: Do you have a pre-heat ritual that you do or think to yourself before your competitions?
Carissa: I always sit down and have a quick chat with my dad before paddling out, listen to some Eminem and Bieber and say a little prayer.
Carissa Moore at the US Open of Surfing at Huntington Beach Pier. Photo by Chris Grant, Jettygirl Surf Magazine. Carissa Moore towards the pier in Huntington Beach. Photo by Chris Grant,
Carissa Moore banks off the foam at the US Open of Surfing. Photo by Chris Grant, Jettygirl Online Surf Magazine. Carissa Moore at the US Open of Surfing. Photo © Chris Grant, Jettygirl Online Surf Magazine2011 ASP Women’s World Champ, Carissa Moore, ripping onshore peaks in HB. Photos © Chris Grant/
16. Asked by Cori Schumacher, writer & 3x Women’s Longboard World Champion
Cori Schumacher: How important has your heritage as a Hawaiian been in your approach to surfing and what is the most important aspect of this heritage for you?
Carissa: It’s definitely motivated me to want to do my best to represent my heritage. The most important part is being able to do something I love and having fun everyday. A lot of hardwork but it’s all worth it.
17. Asked by Jessi Miley-Dyer, ASP Tour veteran & 2012 ASP Women’s World Tour Manager
Jessi Miley-Dyer: You’re one of the only girls on tour I’ve seen donate their prize money to charity. We used to donate our time to various causes when we have been overseas but I’ve never given money (would love to but not exactly rolling in it, haha). Do you think that we should do more community work around the contests that we go to? Would you like to see more of it?
Carissa: I think we definitely should and I would love to see more of it. As professional surfers we get to travel the world and do something we love, how lucky are we?! I think it is important to give back to the communities that aren’t as fortunate but have given so much to us.
18. Asked by Margaux Arramon-tucoo, French artist, longboard stylist. Star of Hayley Gordon’s film, “This is Margaux”
Margaux Arramon-tucoo: Does surfing for a living, traveling, now being world champ and all that comes with it, inspire you in other areas of your life?
Carissa: Yes of course! I realize that my life is amazing and in order to keep it I just have to keep working hard at everything. It is all so worth it.
19. Asked by Savannah Fliers, local ripper & huge fan of Carissa Moore
Savannah Fliers: Where do you see yourself in 20 years?
Carissa: I hope raising a family, married, a teacher or a coach and of course still surfing!
20. Asked by Savannah Fliers, local ripper & huge fan of Carissa Moore
Savannah Fliers: What advice would you give to girls who want to catch more waves when surfing in a lineup surrounded by wave-hungry guys?
Carissa: Patience and time. If you put your time in at any spot and are respectful you will gain respect yourself and will catch waves. And as you improve the guys will want to watch you rip!
21. Asked by Bilandra Chase, Mom, installation engineer & the better half of NK Surfboards shaped by Raz
Bilandra Chase: You two have worked so closely for so many years. What did your dad say to you when you won the world title?
Carissa: My dad and I are best friends and seriously there is no person in the world that I would have wanted to share that journey with than my dad. He was stoked. When I won in France he gave me a huge hug and then said, “Knuckles. You did it!” Pretty awesome moment. One for the memory books for sure.

*Video courtesy of Red Bull

Additional Resources:
Carissa Moore’s Red Bull Profile
Carissa Moore – Official Website, Biography, Surfing Photos & Videos
Carissa Moore on Twitter

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