Chick Sticks Girls Performance Surfboards

Chick Sticks Girls Performance Surfboards
Where Beauty meets Performance

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Whats YOUR Passion???!!

Its so easy to lose ourselves between work, family and just plain LIFE!!  The weekends coming up.  What a great time this would be to re-evaluate where youre at in your life and ask yourself if you've let the things you enjoy doing slip away.  You dont have to take up skydiving ;) it can be anything youre passionate about.  Working out, taking an art or language class or as simple as celebrating 'Me Time' with a stack of new magazines and a lounge chair in your favorite sunny spot with no interruptions.  Im so busy some days seem like a whirlwind of activity.  So this weekend Im going to prioritize the things in my Life that are important to me and make sure to make time for all the things Im Passionate about and that make my heart happy.  Lets do this together!!  :) 

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